Sunday, October 30

YEAR:  2022 | Tags:  | |

Subash Centre, 14:28


People who live nearby park their bikes and scooters outside the Subash Centre, because it has a covered area outside the front door. Today when we arrive I see a very unusual motorbike. Nobody else has arrived so I inspect it in close detail, trying to work out the purpose of the tank and bottles.

When Farhan arrives I ask him. He chuckles and explains, and I realise that none of my hypotheses came close to the truth.

The motorbike belongs to a local man who offers a mobile service fixing tyres when bikes or rickshaws have punctures. You phone him up, tell him where you have got stuck and he cycles there with his cylinder full of compressed air, and various bottles and pieces of rubber that will enable him to fix the tyre temporarily.

I then notice the piece of old tyre tied to the back ready for him to cut a strip off and glue it over the puncture. This, Farhan assures me, should enable you to drive somewhere to get it fixed properly or replaced.

Well, well, I think.