Friday, October 14

YEAR:  2022 | Tags:  | | |

Anganwadi, 11:40


Today we hold the first proper DGD Junior session at the local anganwadi, about thirty metres from our house. We have a 45 minutes session with about ten 4 and 5 year olds.

We start with Scratch Junior on Lenevo M10 tablets, with each child working as part of a team of two. What follows is barely controllable chaos which the children seem to love. Some of them appear extremely shy, perhaps because they have never seen European people before today. Others, the more extrovert, seem to get used to us in a few minutes and join in or construct games of their own around us.

I will notice that one little girl has taken no notice of the tablets at all until she finally comes across one that someone has put down and left unattended. She will immediately grab it and start experimenting with success until someone else tries to join in, at which point she will put the tablet down and return to running around and standing so her head hangs upside down.

Looking at other people upside down makes her burst into giggles every time she does it.