Saturday, September 10
Kitchen, 14:34
A day of finding things out and failing to find things out. First I decided to google and find out why my left leg had decided to stop walking. Somewhat to my surprise the search term “sole foot pain” provided an instant answer from the British National Health Service website. I have, apparently, got plantar fasciitis, and I should see a doctor if it has not improved in two weeks.
What, you wonder, should I use to cure it? Frozen peas and paracetamol. I should put a bag of frozen peas in a towel on the bottom of my foot for up to twenty minutes every two hours, and swallow painkillers if the peas don’t work. I prefer the advice to “rest your foot on a stool when you can”.
And on another note, I photograph some fruit that we bought from Lidl because we did not know anything about it, other than the fact that it arrived here from Mexico. We realised that we have no idea if it has ripened properly, so we have no idea whether we don’t like it or don’t like it when forced to eat it unripe.
We have said in the past that anyone who only knew avocados from supermarkets in Finland would wonder how anyone could claim to like those hard, woody things.
We should probably leave the Mexican Mystery fruit in the fridge for a few weeks and see if it ripens or rots.