Thursday, July 21
Jauniela, 11:02
We had our breakfast at the Gutenbergs a bit too late. We missed the crowds but we also missed much of the food. We leave and walk round Dome Square (Doma laukums in Latvian), and down past the armadillo that guards a children’s playground where small children squeal in delight at the world’s easiest maze.
We will wander around the old town and walk down towards Stockmann where I will buy some shirts and a book: The Little Book of Philosophy, a Dorling Kindersley guide with a rather neat line in useful infographics that simplify concepts into flowcharts. This will almost certainly come in useful one day when I least expect it.
We will spend the rest of the afternoon in the market by the bus station, and then eat about 200 metres from the Gutenbergs at a burger place called Ezītis Miglā, which we will later hear described as one of a local chain of cool cafés.