Monday, October 15

the garden, 12:00
I slept for ten hours last night, without waking once. I had breakfast at 8:30, while Naa was still asleep, and started writing. This week is half-term week so Naa got up an hour later, looked out of the window, and sighed.
The weather this morning was extremely wintry. It has been raining since the moment that I got up until about ten minutes ago, and the sky has been so dark at I needed the lights on even at 10:30. I went outside to empty the cat litter and needed to come back inside for a jacket.
Now it is beginning to brighten up and I am taking a thirty minute break because my eyes are hurting. I am outside in the garden, looking at the Christo-like parcel that houses the garden bench. I parceled it up a week ago, the day Irma and Auo left, and I am glad that I did. If I hadn’t, it would have been soaking for a week and getting difficult to dry enough to put away.
In an hour Deirdre will skype me from Dublin and we will work out our exchange plans for this academic year. She will tell me that, as a direct result of our visit last May, six ITT students are seriously thinking of becoming exchange students.
This being a no-eating day, I will have only a couple of apples from Minna’s tree that are overhanging our drive. I will pick one and catch the other before it hits the ground. They are delicious.