Wednesday, March 2

YEAR:  2022 | Tags:  | | |

Lanterna, 18:06


Today worked well.

I started with an hour–long Zoom call with Farhan that would have gone on longer if I hadn’t had to stop for another Zoom meeting. We went through a game that he had made and then started to jointly make a Whack-a-Mole game that reuses techniques we have both used before. We got halfway through and promised each other that we would both finish it and then compare our versions next week.

I sent Farhan the half–completed game within minutes of finishing the call and then immediately thought of a way to greatly improve part of the code we had written. I spent the next two hours taling with Irma and Juho.

After lunch I had an afternoon of frenzied writing and caught up with myself. By the end of the working day I had just about written my daily quota.

We both wanted to get out of the house and the paths feel much too slippery for a walk so we drive to Lanterna for a pointless but pleasant walk round Rusta. I wander upstairs on the travelator and photograph the wall on the way down.

At the bottom I learn a new Finnish word: toistaiseksi. I learn this because the Hesburger has closed until further notice.