Tuesday, October 9

YEAR:  2012 | Tags:  | | |

Jans-Magnus Janssons plats, 10:10


Naa was at Kamppi last night and it felt quite strange waking up in the house alone, feeding the cat, having breakfast, and leaving. Before I did any of that I checked that the paint had dried, rearranged the furniture in the living room, and vacuum cleaned. The painting has all been done and the house is back to normal.

I got to work at 8:30 and prepared a demo for Advanced Web Applications. Then I wrote and mailed an outline of why I think that the addition of Buddypress to the Pixelache website would be a good thing. Then I quickly answered some Facebook messages from The Girls In Santiago.

Now I am outside the building waiting to re-enter. Arcada had a fire drill and practice evacuation twenty minutes ago and, having ben safely evacuated, we are now about to warm up again.

I will spend the morning with the WordPress Loop and the afternoon with OpenSim.

At 18:00 I will be in Auo’s classroom at a meeting held to plan the class Halloween party. This will take almost two hours, cover a lot of ground, much of it not strictly necessary, and I will end up on the metro home home two parents. At home I will wrestle the cat and have a shower.