Wednesday, October 27
Metro, 16:57
I have spent the day at Pixelache working on Minecraft tutorials for Snowcastle Valley and podcasts for Miaaw. One requires a kind of connectivity that we seem not to have at home and the other requires me to shout in a way that disturbs anyone forced to share a living space with me.
I work with Sahan and Elli, and we declare the Minecraft world finished except for a few final details of a Redstone-debugging kind, which Elli will fix tomorrow. I still need to do some work behind the scenes, for which I will need contact with Sahan, but I cannot do that at the moment for a variety of reasons at the Indian end.
I finalise the next three podcasts and prepare them for publishing. If nothing else I have come to feel comfortable about doing this at speed. I will soon have all the skills I need to qualify as a frontline radio journalist.
Or not.
Now I head home. Drizzle has begun and as we leave Kulosaari station I notice a van travelling at precisely the same speed as the metro. I photograph the scene in a wonderfully confused image.