Sunday, September 26

YEAR:  2021 | Tags:  | |

Room 4056, Grand Hotel, Reykjavik, 18:21


The day started with a ride to the airport and a much swifter than expected trip through security. After that Christa, Micke and I gathered in a café and checked that we had everything we needed. After a while Christa went off to adjust her paperwork.

We flew to Arlanda and waited there for an hour and forty five minutes, before heading to Keflavik airport. I had aisle seats on both flights and a whole row free next to me on the second (three hour) flight.

Fifty minutes in a Flybus, including a change from one bus to another at a bus station in Reykjavik, brought us to the Grand Hotel. I went to my room and looked out and saw a view remarkably like this.

I will notice that my room has a big bed, a shower and a separate bath, and enough space to unpack properly.

In the evening everyone who has arrived so far will meet up and eat in the restaurant downstairs: the Grand Brasserie. I will have cod and chips.

I will return to my room and listen to the howling and whining of the wind, which occurs at a volume that would make conversation difficult. I feel as though I have been transported inside the weather.

I will continue to feel this until sleep overtakes me at about 21:45 (or 00:45 as we say in Helsinki).