Monday, June 21

YEAR:  2021 | Tags:  | | |

Garden, 11:51


I will spend the day at home alone and trying to write. I will find lots of useful things to do instead. Having said that, I will also do my quota of writing.

I have decided to stop for lunch and I venture out into the heat. I take a photograph of an eagle wing growing up the wall of the bicycle shed. As far as I know it has never grown here before. If it has then we have never cleared tthe weeds to make a space for it.

The thermometer on the terrace reads 34 degrees.

I will return indoors and make myself lunch, before chatting with Mark and continuing writing.

I have Zotero working for me now. I annotated a pdf of Paulo Friere’s Education for Critical Consciousness, based on notes I made in an analogue notebook while reading it. Zotfile collected all the annotations, marked them up for me, and dropped them into a text file where I can copy and paste them into the paper.

If only I had known about this years ago.

I console myself with the thought that I know about it now, and I will make good use of it for the four or five remaining papers and the book.