Tuesday, May 18
Arcada, 10:45
Yesterday afternoon weather turned again and I spent my time after lunch watching a thunderstorm taking place right over the building. Fortunately Irma had decided to come and collect me so I avoided getting soaked.
This morning the rain has stopped but the clouds remain and I leave for Arcada wearing a jumper and jacket.
Yesterday I went to the coffee lounge for the first time in months to get some new masks. Today I walk around the building several times in the morning to see what I have missed.
I stop to photograph the completely deserted main space. It used to have a setting like a dining room, a university refectory, and now it looks like a co-working space with plenty of places for small groups to meet.
I wonder if this will remain when students return to the building in large numbers.
I will spend the afternoon wrestling with a sound file for the next A Culture of Possibility podcast. Eventually with help from both Kaukko and Klaus, using VLC and fre.ac in ways their makers never intended, I will render it audible – in time to edit it tomorrow.