Friday, September 21

Hermanninrantatie, 7:50
This morning Naa was at Kamppi and Auo and I set off early. It was bright sunlight when we left, and getting cloudy when Auo got off the metro. I decided to walk from Kalasatama again. Now I am half-way to Arcada and I can see dark clouds gathering. In a few minutes a thin drizzle will start to drop on me and I will respond by starting to jog.
I will spend ninety minutes preparing for today’s installment of Content Management Systems and three and a half hours lecturing, demonstrating and supervising the students as they begin to explore for themselves what we have been dealing with this week.
After an apple and a cup of Horlicks, because it is a no-eating day, I will post a detailed description of the weekly assignment, before building four example worlds for next week’s Virtual Worlds Research. An email flurry later, and the three new lecturers will arrive. They are being transferred from Novia and we have to find somewhere for them to sit.
Having set up some appointments for next week, and synced my ipod (which upgraded itself to iOS6 last night). I will race home to start the weekend. When I get there at 17:04 I will discover that the plan is to leave for Pellinki at 17:00, and so off we will go with the cat on the back seat in its box.
When we arrive we will be smitten with instant relaxation.