Thursday, October 29
Suvilahti, 12:30
Migrant Youth Helsinki finishes its five year mission in December and today it has its finale event. I have learned that they will serve samosas and coffee. I will go anywhere at any time for genuine samosas. I arrive just as the doors open.
The sun has come out for the first time this week to light up the event. Outside the entrance drummers drum and an acrobat or juggler swings fire sticks around. I stand and take photographs before going in and seeking out the samosas.
The event works very well, even though the pandemic restrictions severely limit the number of people able to attend in person. Livestreaming takes care of the overflow. Two young men from MakeSomeNoise host and various others perform in different capacities.
Chloe deserves a personal mention for the powerful and emotional speech she gave based on her personal experience. She described her recent visit to Sokos in which she was grabbed by two security guards as she left and taken back in so they could search her. She pointed out that she had done nothing suspicious or out of the ordinary, nothing that should or would have attracted attention if she had not had black skin and looked and dressed as she did.
I left at the end and returned to The Plumbing Incident that had started this morning and will return with a vengeance in the early evening.