Tuesday, September 29

YEAR:  2020 | Tags:  | | |

Huivipolku, 8:23


I have found another podcast to listen to. Freakonomics has expanded into a podcast network, and so I decided that I should see how they do it.

This morning I listened to the latest episode of No Stupid Questions and I found it enjoyable. Interestingly the podcast ends with the producer reading out some fact-checking that expands upon some of the things said in the episode.

While walking and listening I see a single red leaf in a bright green bush. Autumn, I think to myself, because the sudden return of summer seems to have vanished as fast as it arrived.

I will spend most of the rest of the day preparing and teaching the CMS class. I have arrived at a point where I have to struggle to explain complex procedures, while dealing with thirty odd students who only switch their cameras on under duress.

I find it almost impossible to guess whether they understand what I show them or not. Mentimeter helps to some extent, but even that can seem hard to extract meaning from.

And meaning formed the subject of the first half of today’s episode of No Stupid Questions.