Thursday, August 13
Verandah, 7:54
Yesterday evening we went to a reki – a farmer’s market organised through local Facebook groups, where everyone orders in advance – in the car park of one of the local primary schools.
This seemed much livelier than the one we have gone to previously in Kulosaari. We had ordered pies and some eggs.
This morning I woke up thinking about the eggs. Every other stall seemed to have eggs for sale. In fact, every other stall seemed to only sell eggs. I probably exaggerate here, but certainly I can remember at least four stalls selling only eggs, including Kal who turns up regularly in Pellinge summer market selling his pickles and chutnies.
Where on earth do all these eggs come from? I asked myself. Camilla used to have chickens, about thirty of them at one point, and they never laid enough eggs for her to drive to a market and sell them, let alone on a regular basis.
Has some sleight of hand gone on? Do these people merely buy the eggs and sell them on? The people selling bread and cakes, and vegetables and fruit, have all grown or made them themselves. This I know. But what about the egg sellers?
Next time we go I will put on my deerstalker and investigate.