Tuesday, August 4
Terbatas iela, 14:11
Today we discovered Bolt, an Estonian-created app-based system that works like a far less oppressive version of Uber. We took a car to Mr Page, where we spent a happy hour or more.
Afterwards we took a long walk down the walking street in search of Manilla, a papershop that proved expensive and dull. We found plenty of other things to interest us though.
I spot an Airstream Land Yacht outside Meat Chef, proudly offering 0% vegan meals.
When we eventually get to the end of Terbatas iela it will start spitting with rain. By the time we enter the Old Town and pass Beer House Number 1 the rain will turn into a downpour.
We will step inside and decide to eat there. What will we eat? Large portions.
Exceedingly large portions.