Saturday, May 2

YEAR:  2020 | Tags:  | | | |

Vartioharjuntie, 11:23


We get up late and I go for a walk before breakfast. I walk towards the beach and then turn left before I get there, looping round and coming eventually to the gas station.

I spot a whole line of bright orange bushes and take several photographs. They look so strongly, and uniformly, orange that photographing them proves very difficult.

I just about manage.

In the afternoon we will go to the shops and then go to Kamppi, where I will hang around in dark corners of the apartment trying to maintain an appropriate social distance.

I will go for another walk in the late afternoon and listen to more podcasts. I have come round (again) to thinking that radio has much more capacity to ferment serious discussion than television. The narrative nature of television differs greatly from the conversational nature of discussions on radio, where the talking can move forward in a circular motion, returning to a theme from a few minutes ago to amplify it.