Wednesday, February 26
Mikonkatu, 15:28
We met at 12:30 under the clock at Stockmann and walked through today’s biting cold to our meeting, where we spent a stimulating ninety minutes.
We will find out what happens next when we do.
I had had no time for lunch before I left Arcada so we walked back to Rautatientori, said goodbye, Irma returned to Stoa, and I sought out some fast food.
I have a doctoral seminar at 16:00 ten minutes walk away. As I turn out of Mikonkatu and up the hill to the place we used to call Kaisaniemi, I see this painted slogan. I decide I disagree because I prefer the third option: a body-mind-soul object/event exists that calls itself me.
I decide not to scribble that onto the box; at least not now.
I will get to the seminar early enough to worry that Johanna has cancelled it again. Not so. She arrives at 4pm exactly and by 4:10 six other students have arrived.
We will hear two presentations, and then we will go home.