A newsletter apart

POSTED: January 20, 2020

I subscribe to an increasing number of email newsletters as an alternative to scouring social media for something actually interesting.

One of the newsletters I get comes from A Book Apart, whose books I heartily recommend. Shortly after I posted about caughtbytheriver.net they sent me a newsletter jam-packed with interesting things to subscribe to.

They said that “we’ve rounded up a few of our author and staff faves”, and after I had looked through it I thought that I would repost the list here, if only to remind me of the links after the email has gone to email heaven.

And, in fairness to ABA, I have kept in the final paragraph which points you to their blog (also well worth reading) where you can sign up for the very same newsletter you can see excerpted below.

A Book Apart newsletter

Rachel Andrew loves Coding with Veni by Veni Kunche, a newsletter for underrepresented coders.

Ethan Marcotte keeps A11y Weekly from David A. Kennedy in rotation for a weekly does of accessibility, and Anjali Ramachandran’s Other Valleys for media and tech news largely not from the US/UK/EU.

Katel LeDu finds something useful or surprising (or both) in Recomendo’s weekly list of brief recommendations of really cool stuff. She also never misses any of Erin Ruberry’s In Better News dispatches, because each note has: good news, good animals, and good GIFs.

Lisa Maria Marquis looks forward to perusing professional and creative development opportunities across design, the arts, tech, and more—in Words of Mouth. Speaking of opportunities, she highly recommends Remote Jobs Club, where Sanj Ambalavanar collates a biweekly roundup of remote jobs that “aren’t restricted by commutes or a particular geographic area.”

Dan Brown thinks Leisa Reichelt deserves your attention. She reads “loads about design and user research with a touch of organizational design, strategy, diversity, accessibility and the odd bit of feminism”—and she wants to share it with you every week (or so).

Jeremy Keith is a big fan of The History of the Web, Jay Hoffman’s weekly dose of the best stories from, well, the web’s history.

And! Don’t miss out on excellent newsletters straight from our authors, like: Lara Hogan’s company newsletter, Lisa Maria Marquis’ literary dispatch, Jeremy Keith’s industry roundup, and Chris Coyier’s weekly CSS-Tricks transmission.

Check out what’s happening over at A Book Apart’s blog and sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on new releases, author interviews, and special offers!