Friday, December 13
Arabia 135, 12:05
I had a meeting most of the morning about a kerfuffle that I should probably avoid writing about. Let’s just say that it will lead to another meeting next week and that may lead to a further series of meetings that will eventually end up inside a black hole with nobody able to find their way back.
Just before midday I escaped and leapt onto a tram to collect some cds from the library. Two of the cds turned out to be old-style 12 inch vinyl albums so I shame-facedly had to return those.
On the way out of the library I stop to look at the wall of plates facing the cafe. They hang here because the Ittala Design Centre lives in the building. I may have photographed a part of the display before.
If so, I photograph it again.
I will return to Arcada to eat my sandwiches, answer a flurry of mail, and try to edit the podcast we recorded a couple of days ago with Russell.