Saturday, August 18

YEAR:  2012 | Tags:  | | |

Herttoniemi, 12:30

Today is possibly the hottest day of the year. We got up and had breakfast. Then Åke came to take Naa for a day out. At midday Irma remembered that there is a pup-up Farmer’s Market at Herttoniemi for the first time, and so off we went.

It is wonderful, neither too big nor too small, and with no rip-off merchants. It really does have only vegetables that people have grown on their allotments or on the communal farm that Irma has just told me about. Even better, the vegetables look really fresh and very healthy.

We are also buying a loaf of bread that was baked in Kalasatama earlier this morning.

In a few minutes Irma will drop me at a metro station and I will go to Indiska in Kamppi to collect a hammock that Irma has bought because it has been reduced by 70% in a sale. Irma will go to work, because today is the Kontula Festival and she and her team are on duty.

I will teach Auo how to play French Cricket, and We will share a Mexican pizza for lunch, I will do some writing before opting to beat the carpets and sit in the sun reading instead.

Auo and I will walk to Alepa in the blazing heat for ice-creams and Irma will arrive back at about 17:00 to sit in the garden for an hour before cooking a dinner that includes today’s fresh vegetables.