Fast Veg 04: Maharaja Mac

POSTED: January 10, 2019

We have come to The Mall of Travancore, the new mall at the edge of Trivandrum. According to the website it offers “a complete mall experience to the capital city. Situated at NH bypass, Chakkai Junction, it is located right next to the international airport. Spread across 7 acres and a built up area of close to 7 lakh sq ft, the mall will have more than 300 brands in over 150 stores”.

We have suddenly become very hungry. We decide to go to the McDonalds in the mall to see what an Indian McDonalds offers in 2019. I have a Veg Maharaja Mac, which comes like this:

The burger unwrapped

With the box opened the burger sits there looking perfectly normal, but overflowing with shredded lettuce. The sesame seeds add a nice touch.

The burger inside

I take the top off and the top pattie comes with it. The pattie will turn out to feel crisp on the outside and slightly soft and moist on the inside. It holds together and certainly doesn’t start to fall apart or break into pieces. I can see onion amidst the salad, and a thick sauce too.

The burger has a cardboard tube around it to keep it all together. It needs it because this package houses the two patties and the middle section of bun that a proper Big Mac should have.

The verdict

The meal cost 204 rupees, or approximately three euros. It tasted fine.

The Maharaja Mac had a pleasantly spicy taste and the pattie turned out to contain cheese and corn. The sauce resembled cocktail sauce (of prawn cocktail fame) but it fitted in remarkably well with the corn and cheese burger.

Overall it gave a satisfying mouth-feel. The fries and the soda water seemed the same as you might find at a McDonalds in Helsinki or London. It had no sliced tomato, but the crunchy onion made up for that.

I enjoyed it. I would eat one again quite happily if I found myself feeling hungry in a mall in India.