Friday, June 7
Arcada, 15:00
This morning started differently. Irma had a meeting in the centre and I had an appointment with Tero, so she left first while I had a shower. Sunshine came in, and I put him in his room when I left.
I cycled to Puotila and walked to Itis where Tero greeted me thirty minutes late. A slightly mad woman had pushed in front of me because her tooth had given her some problems at breakfast. I had my check-up and Tero showed me a miracle new toothbrush which he showed me how to use, and then ordered me to buy.
He wanted to see me next week but the only times available would take place in the centre on the seventh floor of Stockmann. I agreed to meet him there and left to make an appointment.
I had written five emails while I waited outside Tero’s door for the woman with the troublesome breakfast experience to re-emerge, so my day had already begun. When I got to Arcada I let it continue. I used my recently-adopted time-blocking technique to work through my daily tasks, pausing to have a lengthy conversation with Nicke about the Wasabi online backup company.
I made an agenda for the meeting at 15:00, and copied some of the material from various emails into Evernote.
At 12:30 I leave the building for a walk. I walk around the bay and look at the dandelions. I lie on the grass and photograph some.
I will return to finish off my task list, and at 14:00 I will go up to the staffroom for the monthly cakes and coffee. Today we will have ice-cream, fresh fruit and hot toffee sauce. Here comes summer, indeed!
At 15:00 Christa, Micke and I will sit in a small room talking on Zoom to Hadis, Helen and Vera. Ideas will get exchanged, dates agreed, and plans put into place.
At 16:15 I will race downstairs, pack my rucksack, and head for the bus. In another part of town Irma will do something similar, as we get ready to head for the countryside.
Outside the heatwave will reach 27 degrees.