Tuesday, June 4

YEAR:  2019 | Tags:  | | |

Aleksanterinkatu, 12:19


I woke at 2:00 and again at 4:30 to the sound of thunder in the night, accompanied by the sound of torrential rain.

I walked through the rain to the bus, my umbrella in hand, and then found myself standing in wet chaos at Sörnäinen. Over the weekend the stops had moved so that the possibility of sheltering from the rain had disappeared. The new narrow road had resulted in two buses brushing against each other, and one of the drivers had decided to stop and argue.

When I eventually arrived at Arcada, not completely wet, I graded the final assignments for Structuring Information. Four students had submitted nothing, so I emailed them.

At 11:00 I looked out of the window to see the sun hovering over drying ground. I took a 55 bus to Kalasatama, got the metro to Rautatientori, and then walked to Stockmann.

At 12:15 I stand opposite Stockmann and take a photograph, watching people mistake me for a tourist. I have arranged to meet Irma under the Stockmann clock, a traditional meeting point. I watch other people meeting and at precisely 12:20 she appears and we meet.

We will walk to Me Säätio to have a meeting that will include sushi. I will decide that all meetings should include sushi, especially if it tastes as good as this set does.

We will leave and get the metro. I will get off at Sörnäinen to go back to write some applications and notes at Arcada. Irma will return to Stoa to continue leading the preparations for tomorrow’s Eid festivities.

I will leave Arcada in bright sunshine and, after some happy discussion at home, I will go for a walk carrying a box full of empty cat-food boxes. I will listen to an old ep by Lullatone while doing this. I had forgotten I had it (The Sounds of Spring, fact fans) and forgotten how much I liked it.

Alepa do not have a bin for cartons. I thought they did. I will therefore walk the length of Kiviportintie, and drop them in the bin at the end of Riskutie, and then walk round and through the woods. The ep will autoplay all this time.

I will iron sheets and shirts when I return. I will find this fun.

I don’t always.