Wednesday, August 8

YEAR:  2012 | Tags:  |

Itäkeskus Library, 17:45

I started the day early, writing in the shed, using the new cable arrangement. Apart from being cold it was very cosy. A fair bit of writing got done. It is not going as fast as I intended, but it is going as fast as it is going. Then before joining everyone for breakfast I ran for ten minutes.

Oh no! The painting was not finished yesterday. It turned out that some parts still needed a couple of coats, and that some of the joins were not were they were supposed to be. Today the sky was blue and the weather was warmer, and I was able to spend most of the day painting in a more leisurely way. We also did some gardening.

The mailman had left a card for me, and so I cycled to the post office to collect my books from Amazon. I had decided that I needed to reread a couple of books and here they are. Hello, Guy Claxton! I left my bike outside the library and walked over the bridge to the library past a couple of people who looked like they might want to fight each other if they were sober enough to stand up.

Now I am back at the library, looking for my bike – which is where I left it, which is not where I remember leaving it.

After dinner we will get the car shed back into shape. I will screw all the hooks back, throw away the accumulated rubbish, and make sure what remains has a place to remain in. Then I will go for a second run.