Thursday, February 21

YEAR:  2019 | Tags:  | | | | |

Hämeentie, 13:35


I went to bed early, something I have grown to like, and then woke up in the middle of the night, thinking about something that required me to lean over and write down a couple of tasks in Todoist, before returning immediately into a deep sleep. I woke at the sound of my alarm at 7:28.

The cold had returned but the ground remained mainly clear. I walked to the bus stop with my scarf wrapped tightly around my neck, and my hood up.

I had absolutely nothing fixed in my calendar today until 17:00, and so I started by reviewing my task lists, and then set about doing them. This proved a great way of doing a myriad of small jobs that would often fall between the cracks. I sent off various emails, and then checked some financial matters. I finished typing up Roy Shaw’s words of wisdom from 1985, and then realised that I had not yet typed up my reply.

I thought I had but my memory has apparently lied to me. Alternatively I did type it up and then hid it somewhere so unlikely that 20 minutes of searching failed to find it. I finally decided that I had mixed up a plan of action with an actual action. I had intended to type up my reply and add it as a bonus chapter to Community, Art and the State, and then put this on the back burner because I had a reason to finally get the digital download out as soon as possible.

I found my hard copy of my reply, and added the typing to my to-do list. However I also realised that I could make this a slightly bigger and better project if I added an introduction and an afterword, both written by someone else. I added this to my task list as a new project. We have go!

At 13:00 I decide to go outside for a break. The library has told me that the Massive Attack cds I asked for have arrived, so I set off to borrow them. As I approach the library I look up and see the Arabia building against the bright blue sky. It stands out as if often does.

In the afternoon I will begin work on the blog post that Nathalie wants me to write about my TRACE system for assessing student work. This will get more complex as I lay it out in Scrivener. Fortunately it will also get more interesting.

At 17:00 I will attend a Pixelache EGM dedicated to finalising the 2019 budget, now that we have had news from the various funding bodies. The argument will, of course, proceed along a series of winding paths until it eventually reaches a sensible conclusion.

Money allocated, I will pack up and head home.