Friday, December 7

Rohdinkuja, 17:20
I woke with a strange feeling that I should stay in bed today. Partly, I felt like my cold had got worse overnight, and partly I disliked the insertion of a working day into the middle of a three or four day holiday.
I spent the first half of the morning editing the eighth episode of the podcast, for transmission while I patrol the beaches of Kerala. I then made a web page for the fifth episode, which will go live at mid-day today. That took an hour or so because I had to track down links and insert those.
At 11:30 I walked down to Kalasatama to meet Charles Fulford for lunch. He had suggested Palema, and I had mistakenly assumed that he meant one of the restaurants in Suvilahti. He didn’t. He meant one of the restaurants in the new trendy area around the cash and carry warehouses.
I found it and we sat eating and talking. He had contacted me through Dr Leila Jancovich whom I met at the Manchester conference where I met Sophie. Leila works as Programme Leader for MA in Culture, Creativity, Entrepreneurship and the MA in Audiences, Engagement and Participation at the School of Performance & Cultural Industries at the University of Leeds. We talked about Cirko, where he facilitates and researches until March, and about the deliciousness of the cabbage parcels I had ordered.
When I returned to Arcada I made a Nobanet agenda for a meeting online next week, and conducted an online tutorial with Eeva Jäntti. I remembered to take my Christmas presents home with me, and managed to sneak them into the house unnoticed.
At 17:20 I go outside again to find proper snow all over the place. I take a photograph of it. Winter appears to have arrived.
I will climb into the car and we will drive to Prisma and Stockmann to gather things to eat and drink for our Christmas party tomorrow.