Thursday, July 12
Pellinki ferry, 9:30
I woke late this morning. The alarm got me up at 8:15 to wake Naa. She left and I started writing. The weather is cold and damp and the sky is grey. I have paused to think, and I am taking a rubbish bag to Tirmo while thinking. The sea and sky are the same blue grey.
When I get back, I will find myself writing faster and more easily than I have written for a week. Fortunately Irma will sleep very late and I will get 106% of my daily writing done, according to Focuswriter’s counter.
After a midday breakfast the sun will come out and we will finish the entrance hall. Irma will use some sixties paint from the shed to paint the shoe box bright blue, and we will remember that in those days paint took about six hours to dry.
At 17:00 we will go hay-baling. Just before we finish the field there will be several loud cracks of thunder and we will spend the last thirty minutes frantically baling the hay in rain that feels like a monsoon. We will finish the evening with coffee and cake at Camilla and Mikael’s house.