Sunday, June 24

YEAR:  2018 | Tags:  | | | |


Sundö, 16:20


The day began as it continued: very cold and dark. We noticed cars queuing to leave the island from mid-morning, whereas normally the rush never starts until about 16:00.

We had intended to stay and leave tomorrow but we accept that everyone else cannot have simultaneously have made the wrong decision. We decide to leave today.

The morning passes with occasional windy showers followed by patches of dry wind. To our delight Sunshine returns in the early afternoon and promptly goes to sleep on the bed. We pack and get ready to leave. The queues die down, presumably because most people have already left by now.

The traditional mid-summer rain starts again as we wait for the ferry. We do not make the first ferry but we do make the second. Earlier in the day people waited for the fourth or fifth ferry.

We will take the Old Porvoo Road which remains almost empty all the way home. We will stop at Sibbe, a harbour, bed and breakfast, hotel, cafe and sports facility that neither of us have ever visited before.

In the evening I will do all my preparations for Amsterdam so that I don’t need to take my laptop with me. I will remake my Powerpoints, format the joint paper and then upload it.

Irma will go to deliver fish from Pellinge to Naa while I do this.