Sunday, May 20
Kitchen, 18:23
Miraculously Sunshine slept all night and we both got up about 10:30. We talked more about Irma’s New York adventures and she expained about Century 21, a huge store that sells leading brands at 70% off, once they have ceased to be the latest trend. She bought things there on the last day, while everyone else shopped there on a daily basis.
The sun shines hotter than ever and we sort out the garden furniture and then pull up weeds and start to plant roses. We work and sit and work and sit, getting tanned as we do.
Irma explained that, while Joel Brody led them to the Met he explained that he had eaten only raw vegetables for forty years, and his former girlfriend had eaten only grapes. Irma had then devised and accepted a 14 Day Raw Vegan challenge that Mutaqui had accepted. It will start tomorrow.
We therefore went to Prisma to stock up on things that she will need to stay alive for the next fortnight. This proved exceedingly interesting because we found much much vegan food than I had expected. We found shelves of vegan yogurt substitutes and vegan mayo, and we also investigated the difference between those made with soya, almond and oats. I eventually determined that oat-milk is made without any cooking process and therefore can fit into a raw vegan diet.
Back home Irma empties her shopping on the kitchen surface and we photograph it. She has three types of melons, two types of vegan mayo, loads of fruit, lots of nuts, and a plentiful supply of vegetables. She also has pickled cucumbers and beetroot. The fridge contains oat-milk, yogurty things, vegan ice cream (made from oats), and more.
I will carry on researching and come to understand exactly how cheaply and easily I could make oat-milk and thus what a manufacturing wheeze it has proved for those who have leapt into the market. I decide to add this to my Convivial Mechanics demonstration on Friday.
We will sit in the blazing evening heat until the sun goes in. Then we will plant some more flowers and go inside for some final non-vegan food from the fridge.
Irma will declare herself excited about tomorrow and we will go to bed.