Saturday, April 28

Sundö, 16:00
Naa arrived at 11:00, after we had got ourselves ready, and we set off for Sundö to open the summer house. The sun had come out and the sky had turned blue, so we felt as though summer might have arrived.
The garden felt wet underfoot, but certainly not like last year, when it resembled a village pond. We set to: weeding, raking, piling, and carrying. Irma pried the tarpaulin off the front of the summer kitchen and I opened the shed, whose door had stuck solidly during the winter.
We noticed that last summer’s stocktaking and clearing out had worked wonders. We now seemed to have enough stuff to fill the spaces we have and no more.
We went to eat homemade pancakes with Camilla. Johan and Ann-Sofie appeared, and then Johan went off with Tanya to do various activities that involved quadbikes and saws.
We met the new dog Heidy, now about eight weeks old. Amy played with her happily but Manta, now old, did not have the same tolerance and Camilla has to watch her when the puppy jumps around. Mika arrived as we tucked into various cakes, and we all sat chatting.
Afterwards we returned to our summer house and I dug a big hole and emptied last summer’s toilet into it. While doing this I wondered about the possibility of emptying it into a composter, since I suspect that we will run out of places to dig holes in the not too distant future.
While I did this Geeta’s cat appeared and reminded all of us of Moonshine. It ran straight up and down a tree, and insisted on watching everything we did at close quarters. It also refused to curb its curiosity and raced in and out of the house and all the other buildings. We wondered how Sunshine will deal with it.
Either he will scare it off, or he will end up hiding from it.
We get the 18:00 ferry home. As we wait I get out of the car and wander around. I photograph the sea as the ferry approaches. The sun sits low in the sky and shines brightly through the trees.
We will get home quickly and Irma will make pasta. Naa will stay to eat with us at home and while she does Sampo will turn up to collect her to take her to a party. He will come in and sit down, and start chatting in a dryly amusing way. We will feel surprised and impressed. By the time they leave we will both feel that they suit each other very well.
We will open a bottle of wine and amuse ourselves by talking about this until something good appears on television. In the event nothing good will appear on television, and so we will continue talking.