Thursday, March 15

YEAR:  2018 | Tags:  | | | |


Reef Mall, 17:35


We have had a complication or two with our return flight. We had tried to upgrade to business class, using our Finnair Plus points, but this had not proved possible. We had instead got placed on a waiting list and then later told one upgrade might prove possible and maybe, just maybe, two. We have two cases and no luggage allowance if we travel economy class. What to do?

Irma woke at 6:00 to try to check us in but abandoned the idea when she found the flight completely booked, which meant she could not change our seats, and that Finnair had allocated us 28C and 36C.

I woke up somewhere during this process and, after it collapsed into failure, we both went back to sleep, woke up late, had breakfast and then went to the pool. I continued to reread the two available editions of Men’s Health, which interested me more and more.

I found myself comparing Men’s Health with Monocle. I know full well that I don’t fit into the core target demographics of either, but both extend my knowledge in one way or another. One, however, extends or encourages my productive capacities while the other extends my powers of consumption. From Men’s Health I have learned that healthy men own food processors and use them. They know that the way to avoid additives and unnecessary chemicals almost always involves making it yourself.

The best peanut butter? The butter you make yourself by processing whole peanuts and adding honey and salt to taste. Of course.

In the afternoon we wander the neighbourhood, taking in Gift Village, Ansar Gallery, Shoemart and Daiso. I stop and photograph Daiso, because I most definitely want to remember it. I bought my banana stand there in January. Today we buy rabbit ears for Easter.

After returning to our room to drop off the gifts and supplies we have bought, we will walk back over to Reef Mall where we will eat at Soy and Pepper. I will finish my meal with my final boku pandan of this holiday.

We will finish our evening by doing most of the packing.