Friday, June 22

YEAR:  2012 | Tags:  | |

The market, 11:00

Today it is the midsummer market, the traditional opening to the summer markets. Irma and Auo are selling things from Nepal and Naa is selling potatoes with Camilla.

Benita is having the best day of her year. She has added a new terrace to expand the drinking area and the drinkers have expanded to fill it. I have never seen the cafe so packed.

The sun will get hotter and hotter and in the late afternoon we will sit in the garden with a glass of wine and I will fall asleep. The cat will go out for the first time and gingerly explore the garden. It does not seem in much danger or running away.

When it begins to cool everyone else will go inside and then go to bed early too. We will have a quiet midsummer!