Sunday, January 14

YEAR:  2018 | Tags:  | | |


Lappeentie, 11:39


I start the day with a morning walk. I set off through the woods, turn left, and then turn left again to bring me out by the estate agent in Kiviportintie. I walk down Lapeentie and stop to photograph it. I see nothing to photograph but that becomes the attraction. I look down a long empty road, seeing only muted colours. Today, though, the sky has turned bright blue and white.

As I walk it feels like a late autumn day. No snow has fallen and the temperature has remained about minus 2 degrees.

After brunch we will collect Naa, and reclaim our suitcase. We will drive to Töölö to see Ukki and spend an hour or so there. We will then drive Naa home and go to Prisma to stock up on food.

Sunshine will spend the day racing outdoors at every opportunity, before racing in again out of the cold.

I will discover that I can watch the Dr Who Christmas special on YLE Areena for another five days. In the evening I will sit in Naa’s old room and watch it on my iPad. It will prove a very entertaining way of spending an hour. It contains a proper Christmas story, in that it takes place on Christmas Day in 1914 on the battlefields of France where the Christmas Armistice happened. It involves the current Doctor and the first Doctor, both trying to avoid regenerating. This allows for all sorts of continuity jokes and comparisons between cultural norms in the 60s and now. Bill Potts comes back in a clever twist which enables them to discuss the nature of identity, and at the end the Doctor regenerates and becomes a woman.

Lots of loose ends get tied up and it ends with the new female Doctor getting thrown out of the tardis and sailing through space towards the ground, thus clearing the decks for a new star, a new writer, and a new showrunner.

Tomorrow we both start work, so tonight we will both go to bed at about 21:30.