Sunday, November 19

Auo’s room, 18:12
I woke up to the sound of rain, mingled with the sound of my own coughing. I got up and had breakfast and then went back to sleep again.
Irma decided that she did not want me visiting her father with the remains of my cold, and I agreed with her. She left in the early afternoon and I got up, changed the bedding, and cleaned the house, while the rain continued. She returned about 16:30 with a giant bag from Burger King containing mega cheeseburgers, fries, onion rings, milk, and chilli sauce.
Hangover? Us?
I have a shower and then sit in Auo’s old room reading while Irma begins to prepare for her trip tomorrow. I notice the lamp on the bookcase lighting the gloom in a photogenic way. I contemplate it and then remember that I have not taken any photographs today. I attempt to catch the depth of the gloom behind and besides the light, and maybe I do.
Later we will exchange gifts.
Tomorrow we will celebrate eighteen years since we first met at Bello’s party. We will both notice that this might mean we finally have an adult relationship. I give Irma a Northern Beauty advent calendar from Lumene, which I had to stop her buying for herself yesterday. She will give me a new blue iPad cover, because the old one has given up closing the iPad. I have had it for a long time and even superglued it back together last year, but now it no longer functions.
We will exchange cards and agree that last night’s spontaneous adventure happened on exactly the right weekend.
We should have done this tomorrow, but Irma has a taxi booked for 7:40 and a trip to the airport to catch a plane to Prague.