Wednesday, October 11

YEAR:  2017 | Tags:  | | |


Arcada, 15:00


This morning Irma took the car to the garage to get the brakes repaired and I waited at home with Sunshine. When she returned I brushed up some leaves in the drizzle while she talked with Tommy, who had driven down the road on his way to work. He offered me a lift so I stopped brushing and leapt in.

On the metro he asked me to guess what he had in his briefcase. I went through the usual possibilities, and then suggested electric drills, portable barbecues, and more. He smiled triumphantly, opened the case, and pulled out dayglo wigs. He had seven. He explained that every week at the bank where he has worked as a consultant for a year, they celebrate Wig Wednesday. They put on wigs at lunchtime and walk to a local restaurant for a relaxed lunch. Since he inaugurated this as a way of breaking through the stifling formality in the work culture, he provides wigs for all those who have not yet bought their own.

You learn something new every day.

I spent the morning planning the next block of the CMS course, while pausing every now and then to rewrite the text for our part of the HERA application.

I celebrated Wednesday by accompanying Maria to China Flavour for sushi and a Chinese buffet. Monica planned to join us but succumbed to attending a meeting instead.

Returning to Arcada full of rice I get back to preparations and writing. I fold Pixelache’s grant applications into the mix, and start trying to gather all the information I need in one place. I pause to wander the corridors and spot the sign and box on the wall. I photograph them to see if I can capture them head-on. I can’t so I use 4PNTS on my iPad to pretend that I have.

I will meet Irma in Stockmann for Crazy Days, which began at 7:00 this morning. The shoes I wanted to look at have already gone. The shop bursts with shoppers. The heat stifles us. We will leave in bad moods until Irma spots a fantastic red puffer jacket in H&M and our moods change.

I will continue reading The War Amongst The Angels and discover a story emerging as the book nears its end.