Wednesday, October 4

Arcada, 11:34
It rained all yesterday from about 4:00 and it still rained when Sunshine woke me up at 6:00 this morning. It stopped before I got up at 7:15 and let Sunshine out. He shot off and didn’t reappear until I had locked the door and gone to get my bike. He wandered across the garden, with obviously no intention of going indoors. I moved slowly to pick him up. He spotted me and increased his pace until he trotted through the hedge out of my reach.
I cycled to Puotila and phoned Naa when I got to work to rearrange our bowling. We had planned to go tonight but the weather forecast promises more wind and storms so I decided I had better go home and get the cat in before it seeks shelter and stays out all night. We arranged to go next Wednesday.
I spent the entire morning rewriting the final two Nobanet scripts that had finally appeared in the form of rough notes with meanings that I had to either guess or invent. Now I have gone to Arcada’s front door to look outside. Rain falls in sheets. The tiling outside the entrance glistens in the strange light. The leaves look like leaves.
In the afternoon I will read through the notes and jottings of various MA students, begin putting together a draft application for Pixelache, engage in some discussion on Slack, and send my festival receipts to Jan for reimbursement.
I will leave at 15:30 to herd a cat into a house, and park my cycle behind the house just as the rain starts. Sunshine will leap off his cushion on the covered terrace and race to the door with me.