Sunday, September 24

YEAR:  2017 | Tags:  | | | | |


Itäväylä, 16:27


We got up and did the usual Saturday morning cleaning, coupled with the usual Sunday morning housework. Then I sawed a load of logs while Irma saw to the garden.

In the early afternoon we went to collect Naa, whose birthday we will celebrate today. We went to visit her grand parents, and then drove towards home.

We drive through the various building works at Kalasatama and Herttoniemi on our way home, via Prisma where we will get Naa some washing powder. The day seems like summer again. Nobody wears a jacket and we counted five people in shorts as we drove from Kamppi.

Irma will make pasta and then, when we feel full, Naa and I will pull sheets and I will iron them.

Later we will supervise the final preparations for the maiden voyage of Naa’s new birthday washing machine. The countdown will start and the washing begin.

Naa has finally achieved an independent state of laundry.