Thursday, September 21

YEAR:  2017 | Tags:  | | | |


Rohdinkuja, 8:25


This morning Irma left first to take the car to the repair shop and the annual check-up. I got her bike out of the shed, so that she could cycle to Stoa.

To my complete surprise Irma returns home a few minutes later driving a small white car, which they have given her for the day. She finds this hilarious since it has a manual gearbox and she has not used one of those for several years. I photograph her leaving in a state of high amusement.

I will read though all the Nobanet scripts in the morning, and write comments which I will email to Cecilia and Micke. An email flurry will follow, and by lunchtime we will have an agreement on what to do next.

I will spend the entire afternoon with the CMS group who will get to grips with Cloud9. I will ask them to remake the website they made on in their Cloud9 workspace, and much confusion and fun will ensue.

At 17:10 I will leave for Hakaniemi where I will discover that the tram routes have changed. Nonetheless I will make it to the British Embassy for the Well in the Park, which will have relatively few attendees this month. Irma will arrive in our own car, fresh from the garage.

We will have an enjoyable evening, which we will decide to continue at home.