Wednesday, September 20

Pixelache, 17:08
I cycled again feeling fit and healthy. I got to Sörnäinen and walked along the tram platform. I saw a 71 bus coming and ran across the empty road. When I got to the kerb I either heard or felt a crack in the bottom of my right foot and almost collapsed in pain. Whatever happened to my foot ten days ago had obviously not fully healed.
Sara passed me by and asked what the matter was. I got up and joined her in hobbling to the 71. I made it but I could feel stabbing pains up my entire right leg. On the bus it calmed down a bit.
I still limped badly when I got off the bus, and continued limping the rest of the day.
I had lunch with Irene, who returned a book I had lent her to write her thesis. We agreed that she will come and discuss her movie at some point in the autumn, as part of a Convivial Mechanics meeting. We also discussed the possibility of me using the material from her thesis as a co-written journal article.
At 15:15 I took the tram to Sörnäinen. Having walked to Pixelache on Monday and then failed to find a way in from the Kalasatama end I have decided to approach it from the other way.
I meet Olivier Auber outside the old gasometer at Suvilahti and he walks and I hobble to the Oranssi building. Alan and Egle join us and we begin the process of installing his Raspberry Pi, so that it beams an image onto the floor. I take some photos of the building while Olivier boots and reboots his tiny computer.
Installation completed, I walk slowly back to the metro, and then cycle home. Interestingly cycling poses no problem at all. Whatever has happened to my right foot seems very localised. The parts of my feet I will use to contact the pedals will act completely normally.