Monday, September 11
Garden, 18:45
I cycled to the metro station through a definitely autumnal damp.
In the morning I answered a lot of emails, including one from Chips about Naseem Khan, and one from a student who wants to return some books. I also had a long meeting with Filip to hand over responsibility for Lynda to him. I finished this by racing back to my desk and emailing Lynda to tell them, so they start emailing Filip rather than me.
In the afternoon I had a two hour meeting about the Media Masters course, after which I finished my script for Nobanet and began preparing a grant application.
Jutta had to go to Itäkeskus to meet her sister so we left together. This meant that I got home thirty minutes early. This, in turn, meant that I missed the rain.
As I arrive home I notice the leaves on the grass, and the colours on the leaves.
Irma will arrive home late, by which time I will have sawn all the remaining branches of the trees into small, easily manageable bits. We will load them into the car and drive off to dispose of them. We will also drive to K-Rauta to collect a connecting piece for the piece we bought yesterday.
When we get home I will lay them in place under the drain just as the rain starts to pour down.