Thursday, August 17

YEAR:  2017 | Tags:  | | | |


Turunlinnantie, 19:20


I cycled to Puotila on fully inflated tyres and got there feeling as though I could cycle another 10 kilometres without breaking a sweat. I did feel, though, as though I needed to adjust the chain a little more. Something for the weekend, sir?

I spent the first half of the morning having a very productive session with Matteo in which we looked at potential research projects and came up with some feasible ideas. When we finished I went away, dug up a load of references, and emailed them to him.

I spent the rest of the working day bringing myself up to speed with Cloud9 IDE, which I will use as the students’ working spaces when I start teaching the Content Management Systems course in a couple of weeks time. I went through all the documentation to see how it had changed since last year, viewed a number of tutorial videos, and created two new workspaces to follow the process from beginning to end.

When I got home Irma and I sat down and registered a domain that she wants to use for the project that Emilia and Josefin have spent the summer doing. We also got some web-hosting from that seemed the best Finnish-based service that I could find.

I then went for a walk to Itis to buy some razor blades from Lidl. As I left I whatsapped Naa to see if she would like to meet for coffee. Just as I left the building she replied.

Standing outside Stockmann I answer Naa and arrange to meet her in fifteen minutes time. I look at the wall behind me and notice a small porthole. This gives a tiny peek into one part of the car park. I photograph it several times in order to get the best possible view.

I will meet Naa outside Hesburger and we will decide to go to Espresso House, which she loves and I have never visited. I will have a Frappino Banana Split and she will have a chai latte. I will taste both and find them delicious.

I will walk home listening to Lucinda Williams and arrive home about 21:15.