Thursday, June 7
Puotila metro station, 8:12
I was woken this morning by the remaining cat, who wanted to go outside. I was therefore up before anyone else. Now I am at the metro station. Because Auo is not with me I have walked down to where the rear of the train will be, since this is handier for the exit at Sörnainen.
When I get to work I will begin to repair the collateral damage from yesterday’s adventures with Windows profiles. Dropbox and Evernote will have seen to themselves overnight. Outlook, however, will pose a problem since the new profile will decide repeatedly to fail to sync with Google or Toodledo. By midmorning I will have tamed it. Finally I will wrestle with iTunes and that will take several hours.
If I had not already had to do this several times I would be doomed. As it is I had backed up both the libraries and the preferences yesterday, and I long ago stopped storing my actual music on the laptop. I will finish by making a complete set of notes about everything I need to do next time.
Ideally I should have spent the day writing. However I am reluctant to do this until I am certain that my files are being saved, and saved where I expect them to be saved.
At 17:30 I will travel to Tennispalatsi to meet Irma for the opening of a Georgia O’Keefe exhibition.