Tuesday, June 5

YEAR:  2012 | Tags:  | |

Hameentie, 20:50

This morning I left home early, and tonight I will arrive home late.

I got to work at 8:30 for a working breakfast during which Katarina showed the plans for Arbus, the new business cluster. (We are calling things “clusters” nowadays.) Sandwiches were eaten and slides were watched.

After this I failed to get my computer repaired, but succeeded in planning the new few stages of my writing. I am using SmartPlans and SmartPad to do this and although they have some problems, they do seem to be working.

In the afternoon and evening I concentrated on rereading and harvesting quotes from my various sources. This seems to me to be a useful middle stage: to gather together extracts that tell a story and then write around them. I could be tragically wrong about this.

At some point I booked the London hotel for Auo and I, and researched Legoland, which seems possible. Irma meanwhile was booked her and Auo tickets to Santiago, which involve a ten-hour wait at JFK.

Now I am leaving for home. There is a hot air balloon overhead. Usually they come in packets of four but this one seems to be flying solo.