Thursday, July 20

Lundi mall, Borgå, 16:12
We woke to a gray sky which threatened to rain but never quite managed to. We had Vicke’s fish for breakfast on sandwiches made from the woman from Loviisa’s bread. I found it difficult to imagine a better way to start the day.
I had a “shower” and washed my hair while Irma read, and then we drove to Borgå. We looked in a couple of thrift stores where I found a mint-condition copy of Spore – the galactic edition for 3€ and Irma found interesting plates and cups.
KappAhl has a sale and we have gone into the little mall that contains Dressman, KappAhl, Picnic, Seppälä, and Sokos. I noticed the banners the previous time we came here. Since then I have discovered that they constitute a part of the first Porvoo Tri-centennial. The artist group Ilomiehet (Joymen) created them, and the exhibition has the title Joymen goes Lundi.
According to their website:
Porvoo Triennial is the new city festival of visual arts.
We are searching for new artistic outputs, working individually, in groups and between Arts. The importance of audience work is an essential part of Porvoo Triennial – co-operation with different structures of the society is important.
The Festival is enabling works of art, installations and artistic performances across the public and private outdoor and indoor spaces.
Porvoo Triennial 2017 and Porvoo Pre-Triennial 2016 theme is “Drawing is a common thing”. The theme supports the use of new presentation methods, co-operation and new spaces – not forgetting the traditional exhibition spaces.
So that’s that, then.
We noticed earlier in the week that McDonald’s have free Coke glasses again, if you pay and extra euro for a Plus meal. We noticed when we bought Naa a meal yesterday as we took her to work, and she got a blue glass. We will stop on the way out of Borgå and each have a Maestro New Orleans, which will sink like a stone to the bottom of both our stomachs. Woo, that hurt, we will both cry as we stagger back to the car. We will, however, have two glasses of different colours.
On the way back the sky will suddenly brighten. Sunshine will turn up at the door at the same time as us, and a big, bright rainbow will appear even though we have had no rain for about three hours.
We will have a cup of tea and wonder if we dare eat again today.