Tuesday, July 18
Highway E18, 9:20
Sunshine had stayed in most of yesterday because of the rain and wind. At 2:15 he decided that he wanted or needed to go out and kept waking me up by walking on me and making noises. He kept this up until about 5.15 when he gave up and went to sleep again; as did I.
I woke up at 7:00 feeling somewhat less than rested. I let Sunshine out, made a cup of tea, got washed and dressed, tidied the bed, and left some dry cat food outside the door with a bowl of water. He appeared immediately and started eating it. I filled the bowl again and left for the ferry.
I got the 7:45 ferry, dumped rubbish in the bins at Tirmo, and waited for the 8:15 bus. It got to Borgå at 8:40 and I got a 9:00 bus to Helsinki.
The small bus from Tirmo had three passengers including me. The full-size express bus to Helsinki has five passengers including me. I sit and listen to King Crimson and photograph the pleasant emptiness. The bus will stop at Itäkeskus where I will catch an 841 bus home. I will have my second cup of tea at 10:15.
Naa stayed the night last night and we will drive her to work before going to see Irma’s mother, who has her 89th birthday today. She will ask if I have read Sapiens yest and I will have to confess that I have yet to find a copy in English. After that we will go to visit Irma’s father.
I will cycle to Prisma to get two inner tubes before sweeping the yard. After Irma has mowed the lawn and I have done the ironing we will leave for Pellinki.
Sunshine will trot up as we arrive. We will suspect that he doesn’t realise he has spent the day alone.