Monday, May 1

Garden, 15:00
We leaped out of bed early today to find that the sky had turned bright blue and the sun had come out. Spring had turned up suddenly.
We spent most of the morning and early afternoon in the garden, digging, planting, raking and weeding. Sunshine went in and out and sat on the grass watching. Then Irma and I walked to Plantagen to get more plants.
Naa arrived and joined in the weeding. I saw some logs and then sweep away sawdust. I photograph the pig-dog-koala thing, now in its summer place, next to some flowers. I check the string on the bird house that collapsed on Friday in the heavy snow.
The three of us will leave for Kamppi for a Vappu tea with Irma’s parents, her aunt, her sister and Susanne and Vanessa. We will drive home the long way, going around Kaivopoisto to see the tail-end of the Vappu revels.
Everyone will find the arrival of Spring enough reason to act cheerful, and when we get home the cat will join in.