Thursday, May 24

YEAR:  2012 | Tags:  | |

Tallinintori, 7:20

This morning I have to interview candidates – 16 of them at twenty minutes a time. As as result I have left home early, and Auo has agreed to come with me.

It is a sunny day and things went faster than expected. The bus arrived early, or the earlier bus arrived late. Either way we are at Itäkeskus much too soon to do anything useful. We decided to wander around the mall looking at the redecorating to see if we could see where Game Stop has relocated to. We didn’t find it.

Now we are walking back to the Metro and both of us have just noticed for the first time that the entrance sculpture is in fact a huge letter M.

I will spend the entire day interviewing and at the end will feel tired but happy. Jutta and I are a good double act and the applicants were an exceptionally promising group. We may have another good first year joining us in August.