Tuesday, May 22
Toukolankatu, 18:40
This morning I assisted the student teams with their final projects in XML Foundations. They are making epub books and the problem du jour concerned Nordic characters and encoding. As far as I could work out these needed to be encoded, and encoded using XML decimal encoding. This, at least, seemed to solve the problems in all the e-reading software we had to hand.
After lunch I talked with Emma about her project making The Woods for Snowcastle Valley. They are very thick woods, as we wanted, and (to my surprise) it is actually quite easy to get lost in them.
Alii wanted to do a last-minute project to gain some credits, and so we had a tutorial meeting in which we tried to find something that she could do and would genuinely be interested in doing. Happily, we found something that suited both of us. She is going to look at the branding of Snowcastle Valley, and create a full set of examples, including a logo and a colour scheme, as well as sample web pages and packages with the branding and colours in use.
After that I started doing administration, while almost everyone else was at Arcada Day somewhere nearby. I was kept entertained by the Facebook conversation being carried on by the inmates, which I joined from time to time.
Now I am out for a walk to clear my head. I am only about 200 metres from ARcada, where all the new building is being done. I am realising that I have not walked round here this year, and I had not known that the buildings had been completed and that the area was now starting to look finished. Its a whole new suburb!