Thursday, February 16

YEAR:  2017 | Tags:  | |


Kitchen, 07:38


Having bought the variety packs I work my way through them. This morning I eat two packets of Rice Krispies, spiced up with preserved redcurrants from the garden. I will take the packets to work to show the students when we start the Interactive Storytelling course. They will probably not expect me to show them a line of Rice Krispies packets from different times and places but I will.

Because I can.

I will walk to the metro station again to clear my head for a long day. Once at work I will send out the publicity for the next Convivial Mechanics meeting before holding a tutorial with an MA student who has a very interesting idea for a thesis that he intends to complete by April.

At 15:45 I will arrive at Temporary to prepare for the pitching session, in which the Media Management students will pitch their ideas for a zero-budget event in May to the first year cultural production students who will have to actually create and manage it. I will hand out biscuits – Fani Pala – and scorecards. Three groups will pitch and everyone in the room including the first year students, some artists passing through, John Agy and me, will score the pitches on three criteria: ideas, feasibility and presentation.

I will get home about 21:30.